WP_Term Object ( [term_id] => 22433 [name] => Jaxomy [slug] => jaxomy [term_group] => 0 [term_taxonomy_id] => 22436 [taxonomy] => artist [description] => [parent] => 0 [count] => 12 [filter] => raw ) Jaxomy Remixes, Music, News and Biography | dirrtyremixes.com

Berlin-based DJ and producer JAXOMY combines the liveliness of future house music with various influences, which can range from vibrant house beats to catchy vocals, creating a unique but recognizable sound of its own. 
 With his current songs he proved that his music is suitable for both live and radio. Through releases on well-known labels such as Selected, Hexagon, Warner Music, Mentalo, Spinnin Records, Soave etc. he got the support of numerous DJs and Radio Shows like Don Diablo Read more on Last.fm

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