Hey readers!
Be a member of dirrtyremixes.com now and you'll receive daily updates in your mailbox daily*.
And not only that, members will be able to download weekly compilations of all remixes and tracks posted in one zip file! YUPZ!! So you do not need to download each track one by one... imagine downloading 50 over tracks every week one click for each track!!! Now its just one click for all! This feature will added from this weekend!
Other than that, members will get more contents in the future. We have been contacted to remove certain contents from certain artists. So now if we make them members only, they wont really know :p And yea, some rare remixes will be added to the mix and also a bigger remix collection.#
all you need to fill is just your username and email... =)
*You can choose to unsubscribe or subscribe to the daily digest
#These content will be available by March 2009.