Being Utada's 3rd English studio album ('Precious' was way back in 98/99, 'Exodus' had a cult following in 04/05), this marks another foray into the English market and I must say if this album doesn't succeed, mainstream listeners are definitely deaf in the ears.
As compared with 'Exodus', (Entirely produced by Timbaland!!!) which is kinda dark sounding, 'TITO' (Short form for 'This Is The One') is that one record that is absolutely divine in mainstream stardards. Released in Japan on March 14th physically and digitally and in the US on March 24th digitally and a physical release on May 12th. The album is doing well on the Itunes chart in US btw. =)
First Impressions

This album has a soul of it's own and the essence is in the lyrics and the melodies. Born in the US, she has Japanese Blood and her English is very fluent. 'TITO' is very smooth sounding, track after track. Destined to be a classic, this album is a MUST listen for anyone at least once in their lives. And for the first time, I'm gonna go a full track review. It's only 10 tracks, believe me that once you listen, you won't regret. Once you acquired the album, read the lyric book and listen to the Cd at the same time. You'll discover magic.

So how would i describe this album? It's Urban-ish with a hint of Pop. Thanks to Stargate and Chris Steward (better known as Tricky) she managed to archieve someting more mainstream as she wished. Although this album is not bad, but it suffers from a ton of slow paced songs (a total opposite of BoA's). It can be a bit boring for me. This album in general is very Stargate-y -A typical Stargate project. Which leaves me a lil blend at times.
- On and On
rickified - An excellant album opener, a pulsating club-ready song. Sounding abit like Ciara in her '1,2 Step' days. 'Honeys, if you're gay, burn it up, like a gay parade / Honeys, if you're straight, bump it up, take it away'. The lyrics are fabulous with a capital F.A.B. Need me say more. My fave track btw. =)
- Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI
rickified - Samples Ryuichi Sakamoto song with the same name. Listen to the song. You'll find the sample familiar. =) Utada puts the FYI for tongue in cheek purposes. Sounds strange at first, but it's great. 'We're sipping Chardonnay from 2pm on a working day', that's so me!!!
dirrtysean - The title songs weird to me! I thought it would be a Merry Christmas song! With Happy Holiday cheers thrown in! But its a christmasy song at all. I like the "chingaling chingaling what what" hook!
- Apple and Cinnamon
rickified - Simple and innocent rhymes with apple and cinnamon. This is the Utada we come to know and love. Her brillance is incomparable.
- Taking My Money Back
rickified - 'Every day every night you were out with your boys getting high. While I worked hard to pay the rent, and my girls said I should lose you. But I'm stuck with you, cuz you promised to change.' I'm sure everyone could relate to this. =)
dirrtysean - Sounds like Destiny's Child's Bills Bills Bills. The title almost sounds the same aint it?
- This One (Crying Like a Child)
dirrtysean - A VERY stand out track. Ever wonder why she named her album, This is the One? Probably from a lyric of this song, "This, This is the One". Indeed this is the one which will either make her or break her.
rickified - A midtempo R&B track. A song pining for your other half. Kinda heart-wrenching.
- Automatic Part II
rickified - An introductory song about Utada, always knew it that capri has a sense of humour. =) 'Do you like the way I rhyme, it's pretty darn clever. Used to be a virgin, now I'm with Island Def Jam.' IDJ better promote this album well!!! Or else....
dirrtysean - I was hoping it to be more bouncey and dancey. The lyrics of the song makes a good opening song for this album or mayb a lead single. But if produced properly it will make a good single. I prefer the beats of the original Automatic. Fave line "Used to be a virgin, now I'm with Island Def Jam".. if you get wat she means...
- Dirty Desire
dirrtysean - Utada loves our site dirrtyremixes.com that she makes a shout out to us and called us a dirrty desire ;) LOL! I CAN SO WISH RITE!
rickified - 'During my 9 to 5, I'm thinking 6 and 9s.' I'll leave the imagination to you people. Heh. =)
- Poppin'
rickified - Another club-ish song. Cute lyrics. =)
- Come Back To Me
rickified - This song is 'We Belong Together' with more rhythm. A good first single choice. The remixes are da bomb though. Especially 'Haji and Emanuel' and 'Tony Moran' remixes.
dirrtysean - When i was reviewing this album, this song came up while i was walking through an underpass. i got chills while imaginary flashbacks started playing on walls. The song does reminds me of a true story.. kinda ;)
- Me Muero
rickified - In Spanish, this song is about lamenting the loss of a lover. Another song that we all could relate to. Actually, we all could relate to this album. =)
Final Verdict

As taken from an article, John Farley of the Wall Street Journal says, "The only thing that stands in the way of Utada and stardon in the English market is really good marketing because the talent is there."
Buy this album. I swear with my name that you all won't regret it. At least spin it once before you guys pass the verdict. Something this good doesn't comes frequet in one's lifetime. For a perfect album like this, it deserves a perfect score. And I have evidence to support it. =) When in doubt, comment about it and i'll gladly reply. =)