Human Album Review

Welcometo our brand new segment, Dirrty Double Trouble, the only segment where the both of us your dirrty duo (Seanies & Airotciv) commbine our almighty (dirrty) forces to post in this column.
In Dirrty Double Trouble, we review brand new albums together, and rate them, and tell you guys whether to spin it or trash it. We tell you the tracks we like and what tracks we don't. So you guys get a rough idea on what the album feels like! For today, we bring you Brandy's latest album, Human. Enjoy!
Album Review:
Human is Brandy's 5th studio album. Her first since 2005.
In life we do go through a lot.. The ups and downs. And this album makes you feel how is it like to be human again. No hype, no gloss, just pure emotions. This album generally is filled with slow songs. I was expected something more dancey and fast since Rodney Jerkins (aka the DarkChild dude - Beyonce, Janet, Britney) is on board for this album. This album is for the broken hearted and the emofied people (like me).
There are a few standout tracks...
I presonally like Fall (written by Brandy and Natasha Bedingfield), Long Distance (her 2nd single), Right Here (first single).
My dirrty partner, Rating: Overall
Track Review:
Groove worthy! I love the beat
One of the first few we heard from the album, I like the Moto Blanco remixed version better
but the original track does sound great as well!
I like this song, powerful music + great vocals<
Another pretty upbeat track, I forsee a remixed version to be groove worthy
Has a heartwarming feeling, and pretty meaningful lyrics.
I kinda expected more from this song, but still if you like slow tracks, you might like this.
A slow but powerful song
A capella indeed! Has a very different feeling from the rest of the tracks because of the A capella in the background.
(just because i'm bias and i'm a brandy fan..)
I say spin it, most of the tracks are pretty good, and even if some do not really stand out, they are quite good to listen to! But then again, it depends on the type of music you guys go for!
Overall, Brandy never fails to amaze me. But i still prefer her previous album, Afrodisiac. Anyways, in the world where you have your Rihanna's, Beyonce's and your alicia keys, its hard for artists like Brandy to shine. But i wish her all the best.
signing off,
Dirrty Sean and Clean Airotciv