New mix from the US' DJ DG3!
C.e.e L.o Gre.en - Fu.ck Yo.u (DJ K.ue E.xplicit Mix) Ch.ris Wil.lis - Loud.er (ErenM.urat W.awa R.emix) Pi.nk - Rai.se Your Gla.ss (DJ V.ice & Rid.dler Remix) Mich.ael Ja.ckson - They Do.n't Car.e Ab.out Us (Club Mix) B.eyon.ce - Why do.nt you Love Me (.Cl.ub .Mix) Brit.ney Spe.ars- Strong.er (J.ack D. El.liot Clu.b Mix) Mad.o.nna - Nobo.dy Kno.ws me (Pe.ter Rauh.ofer Mix) LM.FA.O ft. Li.l Jo.n - Sh.ots The Satu.rda.ys - Higher (7th He.aven Cl.ub Mix) Us.h.er - Dj .Got Us F.allin In Lo.ve Again (H.yper Cr.ush R.emix) Rih.an.na - Only Girl (Spi.n Sis.ta Cl.ub Mix) Ki.mbe.rly Co.le - Sma.ck You (DJ Lynnwo.od's Be.atdown Mix) Jus.tin Timbe..rla.ke - Rock Your B.ody (Sa.nder Kl.eine.nber) Kylie M.inog.ue - A.ll T.he Lo.vers (E-Th.und.er Me.ets Ra.uhof.er Mix) K.at..y P.e.rry - Fi.re.work (Sp.in Si.sta Cl.ub Mix) Je.nni.fer Lop.ez - Pl.ay (Peter Ra.uhof.er Club Mix) Riha..nna - Ro.ckst.ar (Ch.e.w Fu Te.ach.ers Pet Fix Club) |
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