Britney's Birthday!
As requested by Boss. The Britney Birthday Bash/performance video.
Britney will be performing on Good Morning America live on the 2nd December which,
is the date of release of her album Circus and also her birth-day.
Hence this cheesy / teeny booper-ish video to promote it.
* It being more like her birthday than anything else
Sure she looks, uh, normal, but what's with the "Don't you dare miss me..." , "How sweet is that"
*sticking finger into cake and licking it off.
(Think an overgrown woman acting like she is having her Sweet 16 birthday bash)
*Throws pink glitter and confetti*
Besides, she looks like she is gonna give a rendition of baby one more time anytime, or how about Sometimes.
Party people, beware, those dark black swirls/lines on her birthday cake, may be herbs from Britney. (read previous gossip)
and not your actual Godiva dark chocolate swirls.
Much love,
Faghag Of the Century