array(1) { [0]=> string(52) "announcement: bad news... but now slowly back online" } looking for: Looking for volunteers who are skilled in Web Server Management |
Categories: others

looking for: Looking for volunteers who are skilled in Web Server Management

hey guys, if you didn’t know, i about to replace sharebeast with our own cloud storage system. So i will have more control on the servers and can react quickly if any of the servers fail.

I’ve got a lot on my plate now and I need help. I’m looking for someone who has advanced server management skills to help me to build and configure our upcoming cloud storage system. The virtual machine servers have been created and the web app has been purchased. It’s a PHP based script and the servers are running NGINX with PHP5-FM installed. I have invested USD500 on this so far and thats not counting the monthly costs for each server to support this project.

So I’m hoping this person(s) can help me optimize and further configure the servers so we can launch this service soon. The server admin can also recommend better server specs and server OS needed.

Required skills:
– Well-versed with Linux command lines
– SSH into root to configure and optimize servers
– Install or update server apps/OS (Apache2/NGINX)
– Optimize main servers and all file servers under it)
– Optional: Create cron jobs or write shell scripts)
– Optional: System admin/Customer relation

This can be a 1 day job or 1 week job or 1 month job depending on what you want to help out on. The Webserver Admin main job is to create the “ideal” environment for our cloud service application and make sure the scripts are working and mounting is enabled. If you want to help out with the initial setup process for the launch or stay on to be the official server guy for the site, be my guest.

We are also looking for volunteers who can help with below:
Web designer to help design a logo and also the site design
PHP/HTML developer implement designs created by the designer
Cloud service admin to monitor content uploaded onto the servers

More details will be revealed after contacting us.
If interested, send us reply below. Form details after the form.

Under SUBJECT, enter: Server Admin, Designer, Developer, Customer Relation or Moderator
Under MESSAGE, tell us what you can help out and send links to your work as reference and tell a lil bit more about your skill sets.

dirrty dirrty sean

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