- Cheers (Drink To That) (Kik Klap Bootleg Mix)
- Cheers (Drink To That) (Sandy Resek Club Mix)
- Cheers (2nd Adventure Club Mix)
- Cheers (2nd Adventure Radio Edit)
- Cheers (2nd Adventure Club Clean Mix)
- Cheers (2nd Adventure Radio Clean Mix)
Rihanna - Cheers (Drink To That) remixes. Listen and stream remixes of Cheers (Drink To That) for free! Free streaming is available for Cheers (Drink To That) official remixes, promotional mixes and also unofficial and bootleg remixes. High Quality MP3 (320kbps) and WAV (1411 or 2116kbps) are available for downloads.
If you like Cheers (Drink To That) from Rihanna, do check out tons of other Rihanna remixes here.
dirrtyremixes.com has the latest, newest, and the most exclusive house remixes from all over the world and has been the number #1 destination for all DJs, remixers and remix lovers everywhere. These mixes are also available on itunes, beatport, sharebeast.com, zippyshare.com, filesharing site, filetube.com, filemonster, soundcloud, audiomack, mixcloud, yousendit, sfshare, nitroflare, filediva, rapidshare, rapidsharesearch, turbobit, youtube.